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We Broke Up (2021)

This is my life. These are my people. Lori (Aya Cash) says No when long-time love Doug (William Jackson Harper) asks her to marry him the day before her younger sister Bea’s (Sarah Bolger) spontaneous wedding to Jayson (Tony Cavalero) and Doug insists on accompanying her to the weekend at Camp Arrowhead because as Bea says in her social media post, What could be better than getting married at the place you had your first period. Lori and Doug pretend for propriety they are still together and get back together and announce their own engagement. The girls’ mother Adelaide (Peri Gilpin) disapproves of Jayson as Bea’s husband and gives it till Christmas but is thrilled by Lori’s news which transpires to be fake. Doug is seriously attracted to fellow guest Roya (Azita Ghanizada) while Lori finds herself enjoying the company of old friend Eric (Zak Steiner). Then scrunchy-maker Bea does a runner … I saw you. A mild but likeable comedy drama about an awkward wedding (is there ever any other kind?) when the younger sibling outdoes her older sister even with a totally unsuitable older dude who’s acting like a gnarly Gen X surfer with serious baggage (divorce, child). There’s an absent father, amusing grandparents and a doubtful mom (giving TV’s Frasier fave Gilpin a nice eye-rolling role). Naturally given the summer camp setting there’s a sequence of competitive games and some inappropriate make out sessions. And then, this family does what apparently this family does best – runs away from the problem. Nicely performed and even when it hits the emotive notes it must the tone doesn’t slide. Written by Laura Jacqmin and director Jeff Rosenberg. What are we going to tell people?

About elainelennon

An occasional movie-watching diary.

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