Barbara Windsor 6th August 1937 – 10th December 2020

What a sad day. The woman born Barbara Ann Deeks has died. Barbara Windsor had an inimitable cackle, she brought joy into our lives first in the Carry On films and latterly as the redoubtable landlady Peggy Mitchell in BBC’s watercooler soap opera EastEnders. She was never far from the headlines between her social life and latterly with her diagnosis of dementia for which she campaigned with her husband Scott. A talented theatre performer who worked with Joan Littlewood and acted on Broadway, she wasn’t so much an actress as an institution, a part of all our lives since she first made a splash with Sparrows Can’t Sing and Carry On Spying when she became intrinsic to that beloved ensemble. She lit up everything she was in and felt like part of the family. What a legend. Rest in peace, Babs.