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Pretty Woman Was Released 23rd March 1990!

Neophyte screenwriter J.D. Lawton’s script 3000 was a dark tale of prostitution that was transformed in a fairytale makeover with director Garry Marshall. Somehow, as Hollywood Boulevard’s happy hooker, Julia Roberts did an Audrey Hepburn star-making turn and charmed audiences everywhere, rendering this the highest grossing romcom of all time. Richard Gere as the corporate raider who hires the smartass streetwalker as an escort for the week embellished his own repertoire with a comic nous previously underexploited. Naturally, they change each other for the better and only a fool couldn’t guess what happens next when two of the world’s most beautiful spend the night together in a penthouse suite. It’s all done with a ravishing lightness of touch. Were sex and shopping ever such an attractive combination?

About elainelennon

An occasional movie-watching diary.

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