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Topper Returns (1941)

Toper Returns poster.jpg

So you admit there is a body. Third and final entry in the wonderful series. Extremely funny episode starring Joan Blondell who gets killed in error while staying at her heiress friend Ann Carrington’s house. She asks Cosmo (Roland Young) to help her find whodunnit. The lovely and tragic Carole Landis plays the friend who was the intended victim, Billie Burke is her usual delightful self as Mrs Topper, Patsy Kelly supplies the screams and Dennis O’Keefe is the cool guy. I’ve lost the body. I’ve lost my car. If I don’t get out of here very soon, I’ll lose my mind! Wonderful parody of Rebecca, a good jokey reference to Orson Welles and some seriously cool seal antics round out the romantic mystery tale set mainly in an Old Dark House to enhance the Gothic antics. Great fun adapted in a screenplay by Jonathan Latimer and Gordon Douglas from the original characters by Thorne Smith. This young lady owes me for a taxi cab ride. I came here to collect it, she asked me up to this room, I heard her scream, and… walked into the middle of an Orson Welles broadcast

About elainelennon

An occasional movie-watching diary.

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